January 22, 2023

How Your Blog Can Generate Leads in Salesforce

When it comes to attracting new customers, inbound marketing is one of the trends that has gained more followers in the corporate universe in recent years. Unlike more traditional marketing, this non-intrusive digital strategy is based on the generation of quality content that provides added value and always adapted to the area of activity of the company and its target audience.

In an era characterised by the constant bombardment of information provided by the internet, providing only that information that is really useful, can make a difference so that mere visitors to a website or a corporate blog become users and potential customers.

Thus, one of the main objectives of inbound marketing is to capture leads or users who are interested and provide their data to the company to integrate them into a CRM such as the one offered by Salesforce, which has NTS as one of its main partners in Spain.

Prior to the formalisation of any purchase process by visitors, this strategy allows you to lead potential customers along the entire so-called conversion funnel using a set of techniques that start from the attraction of the target audience and culminate with loyalty.

Thanks to the possibility of directing and identifying users according to their needs throughout this process, this marketing strategy allows companies, through their corporate blogs, to generate segmented and qualified leads, that is, with a high potential to become consumers. In this way it is also possible to optimise the work of the sales and marketing departments which will be able to carry out targeted actions according to the propensity of users to move to the field of customers.

How to get the Most out of Inbound Marketing

Establishing corporate blogging as a priority strategy can multiply the chances of obtaining a positive ROI. Developing quality information not only keeps users up to date about the company's news, but also can position it as a benchmark in the sector and offer a good brand image and improve the SEO of your website on the internet.

In fact, designing content that help to educates the audience about a firm's products or services that can turn your website into a resource where users can go to solve their doubts or stay informed. When the blog entries provide more added value as possible, search engines like Google will look at the corporate website and improve its positioning and attract more visitors.

However, in order to generate leads, it's necessary to be clear about a series of keys that allow you to develop quality content that help to attract more users and potential customers.

Some of the guidelines that allow you to optimise corporate blog posts based on knowing the target audience and placing it at the center. Not only do you have to please Google but keeping the page updated (avoiding broken links and mentions of discontinued products) and dedicating entries to exclusive content or solving possible doubts are strategies that contribute to generate interest and confidence in the audience.

Inbound Marketing

Of course, the way in which the content is presented and structured is also decisive. Optimising the entry according to SEO parameters (assigning a keyword, using images, etc.), using headlines that hook and taking advantage of the potential of social networks are some of the tactics that contribute both to positioning the blog in internet search engines and to attract the attention of potential customers.

Another key is to introduce elements focused on redirecting the volume of segmented traffic attracted by the content to other phases of the conversion funnel. A good example are subscription forms and landing pages of those websites to which the user arrives after clicking on an external link or button and that provide more information about a product or service to finally turn it into a lead.

This framework also includes calls-to-action (CTAs) buttons which designed to guide visitors to conversion sites and motivate them to carry out specific actions according to the problems they seek to solve. If the text, design and location of CTAs are not taken into account to make them truly attractive, efforts to transform the initial audience into leads may eventually fall on deaf ears.

Salesforce Web to Lead Forms

In the field of inbound marketing, one of the most useful and simple resources to generate quality leads is the Salesforce Web to Lead tool, It's a solution whose use does not require programming code knowledge or specific technical notions.

Following an intuitive procedure, Web-to-Lead allows you to design a form including the most appropriate questions for each type of business in order to insert it into a blog or a corporate website, thus automating the capture of leads and the integration of user data in the CRM.

To find the tool from a Salesforce account, simply do a search in the quick search box in the Settings menu and click the option to create a form. Once inside, the basic steps consist of selecting and ordering the fields that you want to include in the form (name, surname, address, telephone, etc.), specify the URL to which you want to redirect the user once the process has been completed and generate the document, which will be presented in HTML code to insert on the page.

These types of forms are an essential component of inbound marketing that allow you to automatically capture information about users, such as contact details or their degree of interest in certain products, and store it as records in the CRM. Using the Web to Lead tool, up to 500 leads can be generated per day and enhancing the ability of corporate blog content to attract new customers.

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